πŸ“Setting Max Login Attempts

In the plugin dashboard, navigate to the β€œSettings” tab. Scroll down to the β€œApp Settings”. If you are a free user, you will use the β€œLocal App” section. If you are a premium user, you will use the β€œLimit Login Attempts Reloaded Cloud App” section. Look for β€œLockout” and the field for β€œallowed retries”. This setting will allow you to set how many times an IP address (bot or human) can attempt a login before they get locked out. By default, the allowed retries setting is set to 4. You are free to increase or decrease this. Please be aware that fewer attempts may increase the likelihood of legitimate admins and users to be locked out more frequently. However, if the amount of attempts is set too high, it might increase your brute force activity.

We suggest keeping the default setting unless suggested by your web host or a security professional.

Last updated