πŸ“Setting The Active App

There are two types of app settings for the plugin. The β€œLocal” app is defaulted for free users, and will handle all IP handling on the local server. The β€œLimit Login Attempts Reloaded Cloud” app will activate automatically when you upgrade to premium. This means that IP handling will be managed by the cloud app, which will offload the brute force activity from your local server. In the event you exceed the amount of resources in your premium plan, the app will downgrade to β€œLocal” until the following month. You may contact support to upgrade, or wait until the new month when requests are reset. Also, in the event your premium subscription is canceled, you’ll be downgraded to the β€œLocal” app. We will notify you before we terminate your premium account via email. When in the plugin dashboard, navigate to the β€œSettings” tab. In the β€œGeneral Settings”, you’ll find the field for β€œActive App” about half way down the page.

Last updated