Contacting Support For Assistance
To contact our support, we offer different options based on your usage of the software. If you are a free user, you can utilize the community forum on for assistance. Many common questions have already been addressed by other users, and our community is active in providing support. While we strive to answer questions within 7 days, we may not answer it at all if your query has already been answered.
For our Premium users, we provide dedicated technical support via email. Our support team is available from 9am to 5pm EST (US) daily to address your inquiries and provide personalized assistance. Typically we reply in an hour, but there are times it might take longer. To reach our Premium support, you can send an email to Our team will promptly attend to your concerns and ensure that you receive the support you need.
We value your satisfaction and are committed to providing quality support to all our users. Whether you are a free user relying on the community forum or a Premium user with access to email support, we are here to assist you and help you make the most of our software.
Last updated